Sunday, 28 October 2007


Hello there ladles and jellyspoons, and welcome to Suburban Wonderfox - a place where yours truly, fluffy fox will attempt to post his random musings on a variety of films, tv, music and other forms of art whenever he sees fit.

There's no guarantee I'm going to remember to maintain this page, let alone that anyone will want to read it - and this isn't a replacement for my real blog - which is staying put at Myspace - but as an alternative, less personal place to shout about things without 'real life' getting in the way, this is an ideal place to try something new.

So hello once again, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on mine very soon.

Until then - you stay classy, live journal!


1 comment:

Blitzwing said...

Aye, Cracky. It's R_P. Most awesome blog. Will be watching. =)